This appears short and sweet BUT it actually packs a powerful heart-punch. Poignant, @Tiffany Chu . Thank you. xo

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Tiffany, you are such a profound writer. What a gift to find the note from your son and know he believed in his inherent worth, that he was loved. And that you gave that to him. Every loss points to the depth of our love. I feel honored at the emotional transparency of your words and your story, Tiffany. Thank you for sharing them today.

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And here is another beautiful essay by you that makes me cry... By now, you may have figured that I am the crying type. And like you, I have been told, repeatedly, not to cry. So I make sure to tell my daughters that it's okay to cry. I am not afraid of tears. Tears honour the pain, the loss. And you have honoured your loss so heartbreakingly here. Honestly Tiffany, if only I could reach out through the screen and give you a big hug for the person that you are and the gift of your writing... just beautiful.

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I’m sorry you were once silenced 🤍 I love that you’re now a cycle breaker and advocate for your daughter 🫶

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Wow, this was so moving. As someone else remarked, despite how short it is, it’s *deep*. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful.

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What a beautiful piece. I like the way you went backwards in time.

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