Absolutely beautiful ❤️

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Thank you Trevy, I appreciate you taking the time to read this.

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So. Damn. Good.

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Thanks, Jade! That means a lot coming from you.

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This is lovely.

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You're so kind, Leslie; thank you.

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I love the concept of immortality being stunned by something normal and mortal in this story and the hidden tragedy of him loving winter for winter, but winter seeing herself as summer in his love due to her own perspective shortcomings :(

So much beauty and so much going on, it's stunning 💚

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You picked up a lot from this, yay! Thank you.

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Damn I need your AI prompts that image is subliiiime. Okay, now I'll start reading your post lol.

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What a gorgeous fable! I sensed that winter and summer coming together were almost part of the origins of earth and her cycles, and then their separation, a new ice age dawning. A love story for the macroscopic movements of our great planet!

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Oh, I like this interpretation!

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Oh, I love your interpretation of this, Kimberly! Thank you so much for reading it.

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An evocative and melancholy folktale, lyrical and lovely as feathered frost. A sad ending, for she does not know her intrinsic potential and worth apart from him (said the 31-years-married woman only now learning this herself).

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Thank you, Quinn. I so relate to that, too.

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Poetry! 💖 wonderful read!

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Thank you, Maaria!

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Oh this is so lovely. I love a seasonal mythology and this is a beautiful one 🤍

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Thank you, Julia! I have to confess, this is one of my favourites in the anthology.

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Cant wait to read the whole thing!! <3

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Being a fantasy fan, I love this one. I've always grappled with the idea of eternity vs mortality, and it's stories like this that brings it forward. Yet, also, even though immortal, she is not spared from mortal shortcomings like desire and placing self-worth on another ...

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That's precisely the concept I wanted to wrestle with in this story. Thank you so much, Rachel. The idea of eternity really freaked me out when I was younger (still does, but I try not to think about it). Also, I don't know how I missed you liked fantasy!

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Mortality is scary, but eternity might be even scarier! I can't decide ...

I think I haven't wrote much about the books that I read yet, so probably that's why you didn't know. I'm partial to fantasy, magical realism, surrealism and science fiction. Things that stretches the imagination I suppose ...

I did also love LOTR, but I don't think I have the capacity to reread the whole thing!

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