You are reading The Misadventures of Endora Pan, a romantic comedy exploring the unpredictable nature of love and the chaos of everyday life. Set in the world of a young Taiwanese-American woman, this story delves into themes of self-discovery, cultural identity, and finding connection in unexpected places. Written in a witty, self-aware style, this novel is for readers looking for a light-hearted yet emotional read.
Two days after Endora’s horrible-no-good-day, she arrived home after a long day at the office filled with meetings.
Endora burst through her house door and slumped against it with a groan as it swung shut. She slid down to the floor, burying her face in her hands. What a horrible week. I need a vacation to Honey’s house soon.
“妳怎麽那麽晚回來? (Why are you back so late?)” Her mother's voice drifted from the kitchen. “塞車了啊?(Was there traffic?)”
“I don't want to talk about it,” Endora mumbled into her palms.
She heard her mother's footsteps approach. “Aiya, what happened now?”
Endora looked up, ready to deflect her mother's questions, when she noticed Chi Jun wasn't alone. Standing next to her, looking sheepish and holding two familiar-looking packages, was Dominic.
“Look who came to deliver a package!” Chi Jun said, oblivious to Endora's wide-eyed panic. “Such a nice young man. I invited him in for some tea while you were out. 很少見到台灣人了(We meet Taiwanese people so seldom).”
Dominic cleared his throat. “I, uh, wanted to apologize properly. For the chocolate incident.” He held out the packages. “Overnight delivery from France. I hope it's the right kind.”
Endora stared at him, then at the packages, then back at him. A hundred questions raced through her mind, chief among them: How did he know where I live?
But what came out of her mouth was: “You followed me home?!”
Chi Jun gasped. “Oh! You know each other?”
Dominic's face reddened. “What? No. I mean, yes, we've met, but I didn't follow you. You, I mean, I delivered the last package to your house so I knew. I thought... well, I thought I should make things right.” He held out the two packages to her. “I guess you managed to get in a rush order, too, huh?”
Endora stood slowly, her mind reeling. She looked at the packages in Dominic's hands, then at his hopeful expression, then at her mother's curious face.
“I… um…” Endora started, unsure how to navigate this surreal situation.
Chi Jun, ever the opportunist, seized the moment. “Why don't you stay for dinner, Dominic? I'm making 紅燒獅子頭 (braised lion's head meatballs)!”
“Mom, no!”
“Uh, that’s really nice of you, Mrs. Pan, but I should probably get going…”
But Chi Jun was already shuffling Dominic into the kitchen. “Tea is good, but food is better. 你說是不是啊,Endora (Don’t you think so)? 來幫媽媽切菜 (Come help me chop vegetables)!”
With a deep sigh, Endora set the packages down and trudged towards the kitchen behind her mom and Dominic. As they walked, Dominic turned back and with a small smile, mouthed “Sorry,” to her. Endora thought about making a rude hand gesture but held back for the sake of sanctification. At the same time, she couldn’t stop herself thinking, He’s wearing his glasses. I do like guys in glasses…….Oh god, I’m such a loser.
I am a sucker for K-drama and rom coms … I thought the narrator voice initially annoying but now I like it! When’s the next round of posts?